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Ang Pasko Ay Sumapit with Lyrics

Another popular Filipino Christmas Carol is “Ang Pasko ay Sumapit” or “Christday has come”. The song has its roots in the Visayas region and...
asian countries Christmas traditions

Popular Christmas Practices in Asian countries

Christmas is considered as one of the most popular Christian holidays that is widely celebrated in many countries all over the world. FIND OUT: How...

Pasko na Naman: A Classic Filipino Christmas Carol

Pasko na Naman is probably the most popular Filipino Christmas Carol. It is a Christmas Carol with simple lyrics and a very happy melody....
christmas tree traditions

Celebrating Christmas Tree In Whatever Form They May Be

The Christmas tree, also known as the Yule tree is a fixture in everyone’s home during the Christmas season.  It can be a real evergreen tree, a tree made out of plastic, or it can be made from other indigenous materials. It is usually placed in a corner of the living room, where family and friends come together during the holidays and exchange Christmas gifts.

Many believe that the Christmas tradition of having and decorating a Christmas tree has its root in Livonia in Germany, other accounts says that the tradition of putting up a Christmas

Of Simbang Gabi and Rice Cakes

It is hard to get out of bed in the wee hours of the morning in December. That is why, if you want to complete one of Pinoy’s most loved and cherished Christmas tradition, the 9 novena mass of the Simbang Gabi, you’ll need the help of your barkada and friends to drop by your house and wake you up. A big portion of Simbang Gabi goers are young people, especially teen-agers. The morning air will be filled with their laughter while they go out in droves towards the nearest Church or Chapels.

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